John Della Bosca Grant for Food Growers 2025
Sponsored by National Farmers Union Local 334
and Community Power Northumberland
Please submit your farm-based project proposals, large or small!
The John Della Bosca Grant began in 2012 and was offered for several years by NFU Local 334, in conjunction with Prince Edward County Convivium of Slow Food. For many years John Della Bosca was an inspiring leader and NFU member near Belleville. He worked with the NFU local to create this grant, supporting projects on local farms. John passed away in 2013, and his presence was sorely missed in the local farming community; so at that time the grant was re-named in his honor. After a brief hiatus due to COVID 19, we enthusiastically revived the grant in 2024 with the help of Community Power Northumberland to support the energizing of farm projects in our NFU Local 334 region.Guidelines for projects:
• The project must support your farm business
• Applicant must be a farmer member of NFU Local 334
• Farm/project location in Northumberland, Prince Edward or Hastings County
• Recipient must be willing to present results or learnings in some form at Local NFU AGM (or other regional event) in the year after the grant is awarded (with details to be mutually agreed upon)Projects will be assessed on the following objectives:
• Makes a positive change on your farm or supports your on-farm learning
• Has a positive impact on the farming community in some way
• Aligns with NFU objectives (see list below)
• Tell us your inspirations! Your initiative could be a larger ecological/community project, or something simple that will be meaningful to help a small farm be more economically viable.
• The focus is for on-farm projects only (not for restaurant / food processing or other community food-related projects, unless they are on-farm-based.)Budget
• Total amount that will be granted is $5,000 in February 2025
• The total amount available will likely be split between 2-3 recipients
• Likely amount granted will be approximately $500-$1000 per recipient, but you can request more or less than that amount
• Your project budget must be submitted, showing any other funds or in-kind supports / partial funding
Who is the review committee?
Reviewers of the applications will be 2 or more members of the NFU Local 334 Executive Committee who are farmer members, and 1 or more representatives of Community Power Northumberland. An additional reviewer may also be drawn upon for project review if specific expertise is needed for certain aspects of an assessment.Next steps:
Please send your application or questions to:
National Farmers Union Local 334
[email protected]
For phone inquiries please contact NFU Executive Committee members:
Eric Barnhorst at 613-661-6313 or Heather Thoma at 705-210-0572.
If you are not currently a farmer member of Local 334 and would like to join and then apply for
the grant, you are welcome!!
Please go to: https://nfuontario.ca/membership-join/Applications will be received:
December 1 2024 to January 29, 2025
Decisions will be made by late February 2025.
For more information about National Farmers Union, please see: nfu.ca or Local 334 - NFUOntario
For more information about Community Power Northumberland, please see: Community Power
NorthumberlandNFU Objectives:
• ensuring family farms are the primary unit of food production;
• promoting environmentally-safe farming practices;
• giving farm women equal voice in shaping farm policy;
• working for fair food prices for both farmers and consumers;
• involving, educating and empowering rural youth for a better future;
• building healthy, vibrant rural communities;
• ensuring an adequate supply of safe, nutritious food for Canadians.
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